Blog Tamson Pietsch Tamson is Director of the Australian Centre for Public History at the University of Technology Sydney. Previously she was ARC DECRA Fellow at the University... Elidor Mëhilli Elidor is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Hunter College of the City University of New York. He received a PhD from Princeton University and... Julia Laite Julia is Lecturer in Modern History at Birkbeck. She is an editor of History Workshop Journal and a Director of the Raphael Samuel History Centre, as well as a... Valeska Huber Valeska is head of the Emmy Noether Research Group Reaching the People: Communication and Global Orders in the Twentieth Century, funded by the DFG (German Research... Carolyn Biltoft Sanjib Bhakta Sanjib is Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Biochemistry at Birkbeck, and Head of the ISMB Mycobacteria Research Laboratory, as well as BITE-Professorial Fellow in Medical... Daniele Archibugi Daniele is Professor of Innovation, Governance and Public Policy at Birkbeck. He has worked and taught at the Universities of Sussex, Naples, Cambridge and Rome,... Jessica Pearson Jessica is an Assistant Professor of History at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She received her PhD in History and French Studies from New York... Brigid O’Keeffe